Today: September 20, 2024
Today: September 20, 2024

Latest From Abdi Sheikh


Somalia's bomb disposal experts face down fear to save lives

Wearing a bulky protective suit and helmet, Mohamed Ahmed inches towards the truck where explosives wired to a mobile phone have been planted in Somalia's capital,

Somalia's bomb disposal experts face down fear to save lives

Scores killed in clashes between Somali forces and al Shabaab

Dozens of fighters were killed in clashes on Monday in the southern tip of Somalia when al Shabaab militants tried to overrun three army bases, officials and the


Somalia detains U.S.-trained commandos over theft of rations

Somalia's government said it had suspended and detained several members of an elite, U.S.-trained commando unit for stealing rations donated by the United States,


Somalia accuses Ethiopian troops of 'illegal' incursion

Somalia's ambassador to the United Nations on Monday accused Ethiopian troops of making illegal incursions across their shared border, leading to confrontations
