The Los Angeles Post
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Today: December 27, 2024
Today: December 27, 2024
Associate Professor of Sociology

Associate Professor of Sociology

Staff Writer

Latest From Associate Professor of Sociology


Why dozens of North American bird species are getting new names: Every name tells a story

What’s in a name? A lot, if you’re an Audubon’s Oriole or a Townsend’s Solitaire.

Why dozens of North American bird species are getting new names: Every name tells a story

The whip-poor-will has been an omen of death for centuries − what happened to this iconic bird of American horror?

A new film adaptation of Stephen King’s ‘Salem’s Lot’ swaps in an owl for the book’s haunting whip-poor-wills, showing how species loss is also tied into cultural loss.

The whip-poor-will has been an omen of death for centuries − what happened to this iconic bird of American horror?
