Today: September 27, 2024
Today: September 27, 2024

Latest From Bratin Sengupta, Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical and Biological Engineering, University at Buffalo


Separating molecules is a highly energy-intensive but essential part of drug development, desalination and other industrial processes – improving membranes can help

Around half of US industrial energy use goes toward separating molecules in industrial processes. Developing materials that can withstand harsh industrial conditions can help increase efficiency.


Separating molecules is a highly energy-intensive but essential part of drug development, desalination and other industrial processes – improving membranes can help

Around half of US industrial energy use goes toward separating molecules in industrial processes. Developing materials that can withstand harsh industrial conditions can help increase efficiency.


Separating molecules is a highly energy-intensive but essential part of drug development, desalination and other industrial processes – improving membranes can help

Around half of US industrial energy use goes toward separating molecules in industrial processes. Developing materials that can withstand harsh industrial conditions can help increase efficiency.
