Today: September 08, 2024
Today: September 08, 2024

Latest From Charlie Hunt, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Boise State University


Trump supporters wasted no time in claiming Kamala Harris is ineligible to be president, but they’re wrong

A falsehood once used on Barack Obama – that he wasn’t eligible to be president – is being recycled to challenge the right of Kamala Harris to serve as president.

Trump supporters wasted no time in claiming Kamala Harris is ineligible to be president, but they’re wrong

Why is Congress filled with old people?

Nearly 20% of House and Senate members are 70 or older, and only 6% are under 40. What explains Congress’ advanced age?

Why is Congress filled with old people?

Term limits aren’t the answer

Very few Americans believe Congress is doing a good job. Some of them have a simple solution: Throw the bums out and institute term limits. But that creates more problems than it solves.

Term limits aren’t the answer
