Today: September 22, 2024
Today: September 22, 2024

Latest From Christine Wen, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning, Texas A&M University


Louisiana governor makes it easier for companies to receive lucrative tax breaks that take money away from cash-strapped schools

Louisiana’s governor made it easier for companies to receive property tax breaks – and schools will likely pay the price.

Louisiana governor makes it easier for companies to receive lucrative tax breaks that take money away from cash-strapped schools

Students lose out as cities and states give billions in property tax breaks to businesses − draining school budgets and especially hurting the poorest students

An estimated 95% of US cities provide economic development tax incentives to woo corporate investors, taking billions away from schools.

Students lose out as cities and states give billions in property tax breaks to businesses − draining school budgets and especially hurting the poorest students
