Today: September 18, 2024
Today: September 18, 2024

Latest From Daniel Pastula, Professor of Neurology, Medicine (Infectious Diseases), and Epidemiology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus


As eastern equine encephalitis spreads, a neurologist explains how to stay safe during this latest outbreak of the ‘triple E’ virus

Among those developing the brain swelling known as encephalitis, approximately one-third will die, with the rest likely to experience neurological problems.

As eastern equine encephalitis spreads, a neurologist explains how to stay safe during this latest outbreak of the ‘triple E’ virus

West Nile virus season returns − a medical epidemiologist explains how it’s transmitted and how you can avoid it

Most people who get infected with West Nile virus have mild symptoms, but in certain cases the illness can become serious or even deadly.

West Nile virus season returns − a medical epidemiologist explains how it’s transmitted and how you can avoid it
