Today: September 21, 2024
Today: September 21, 2024

Latest From Jaime Toro, Professor of Geology, West Virginia University


Volcanic eruption lights up Iceland after weeks of earthquake warnings − a geologist explains what's happening

Iceland is known as ‘the land of fire and ice’ for a reason.

Volcanic eruption lights up Iceland after weeks of earthquake warnings − a geologist explains what's happening

Volcanic Iceland is rumbling again as magma rises − a geologist explains eruptions in the land of fire and ice

Iceland’s volcanic activity is generally tame compared with explosive eruptions along the Pacific’s Ring of Fire. This time, it’s shaking up a town.

Volcanic Iceland is rumbling again as magma rises − a geologist explains eruptions in the land of fire and ice

Why the earth quakes – a closer look at what's going on under the ground

A geologist explains where earthquakes are most common and why.
