Today: September 23, 2024
Today: September 23, 2024

Latest From Jason Owen-Smith, Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan


Congress is failing to deliver on its promise of billions more in research spending, threatening America’s long-term economic competitiveness

The latest government showdown over the budget risks not only a shutdown but jobs, regional economies and America’s competitiveness in AI and other advanced fields.

Congress is failing to deliver on its promise of billions more in research spending, threatening America’s long-term economic competitiveness

Congress’ failure so far to deliver on promise of tens of billions in new research spending threatens America’s long-term economic competitiveness

A deal that avoided a shutdown also slashed spending for the National Science Foundation, putting it billions below a congressional target intended to supercharge American science research.

Congress’ failure so far to deliver on promise of tens of billions in new research spending threatens America’s long-term economic competitiveness
