Today: September 23, 2024
Today: September 23, 2024

Latest From Jason Xue and Tom Westbrook


China drugmakers axe IPO plans as they face scrutiny in anti-graft drive

– A growing number of healthcare companies in China are shelving their initial public offering (IPO) plans as its stock exchanges have stepped up scrutiny of the pharmaceutical industry’s business practices amid an escalating anti-corruption drive.     Healthcare stocks have already slumped in China since the government in late July launched a year-long anti-graft campaign, targeting what it said was the rampant practice of bribing of doctors in drug and medical equipment sales. Pharmaceuticals is the latest industry in the cross-hairs of Chinese regulators, and the tighter vetting of the sector’s IPO

China drugmakers axe IPO plans as they face scrutiny in anti-graft drive

China drugmakers axe IPO plans as they face scrutiny in anti-graft drive

– A growing number of healthcare companies in China are shelving their initial public offering (IPO) plans as its stock exchanges have stepped up scrutiny of the pharmaceutical industry’s business practices amid an escalating anti-corruption drive.     Healthcare stocks have already slumped in China since the government in late July launched a year-long anti-graft campaign, targeting what it said was the rampant practice of bribing of doctors in drug and medical equipment sales. Pharmaceuticals is the latest industry in the cross-hairs of Chinese regulators, and the tighter vetting of the sector’s IPO

China drugmakers axe IPO plans as they face scrutiny in anti-graft drive
