Today: September 27, 2024
Today: September 27, 2024

Latest From Jennifer Head, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, University of Michigan


Fungal infections known as valley fever could spike this fall - 3 epidemiologists explain how to protect yourself

Cases of valley fever are typically most prevalent in California’s Central Valley and southern Arizona, but they have been increasing in California’s central and southern coastal areas.

Fungal infections known as valley fever could spike this fall - 3 epidemiologists explain how to protect yourself

Fungal infections known as valley fever could spike this fall - 3 epidemiologists explain how to protect yourself

Cases of valley fever are typically most prevalent in California’s Central Valley and southern Arizona, but they have been increasing in California’s central and southern coastal areas.

Fungal infections known as valley fever could spike this fall - 3 epidemiologists explain how to protect yourself
