Today: September 29, 2024
Today: September 29, 2024

Latest From Jessi Streib, Associate Professor of Sociology, Duke University


College may not be the ‘great equalizer’ − luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains

A new study finds that hiring practices, not a bachelor’s degree, may be the ‘great equalizer’ of opportunity for some soon-to-be grads.

College may not be the ‘great equalizer’ − luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains

College may not be the ‘great equalizer’ − luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains

A new study finds that hiring practices, not a bachelor’s degree, may be the ‘great equalizer’ of opportunity for some soon-to-be grads.

College may not be the ‘great equalizer’ − luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains

College may not be the ‘great equalizer’ − luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains

A new study finds that hiring practices, not a bachelor’s degree, may be the ‘great equalizer’ of opportunity for some soon-to-be grads.

College may not be the ‘great equalizer’ − luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains

College may not be the ‘great equalizer’ − luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains

A new study finds that hiring practices, not a bachelor’s degree, may be the ‘great equalizer’ of opportunity for some soon-to-be grads.

College may not be the ‘great equalizer’ − luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains
