Today: September 14, 2024
Today: September 14, 2024

Latest From Jessica L. Waters, Assistant Professor of Justice, Law & Criminology, American University


Supreme Court’s blow to federal agencies’ power will likely weaken abortion rights – 3 issues to watch

The Supreme Court’s recent ruling means that judges will have more power than scientific experts in determining whether people should be able to get an emergency abortion, for example.

Supreme Court’s blow to federal agencies’ power will likely weaken abortion rights – 3 issues to watch

Fetal personhood rulings could nullify a pregnant patient’s wishes for end-of-life care

Laws such as Alabama’s controversial ruling that gives personhood rights to frozen embryos will have ripple effects on how advance directives are interpreted by doctors and the courts.

Fetal personhood rulings could nullify a pregnant patient’s wishes for end-of-life care
