Today: September 23, 2024
Today: September 23, 2024

Latest From Mariel Borowitz, Associate Professor of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology


Japan is now the 5th country to land on the Moon – the technology used will lend itself to future lunar missions

Japan is one of several countries that weren’t part of the space race of the 1950s and 1960s looking toward the Moon. They’ve now become the 5th country to have landed on its surface.

Japan is now the 5th country to land on the Moon – the technology used will lend itself to future lunar missions

India's Chandrayaan-3 landed on the south pole of the Moon − a space policy expert explains what this means for India and the global race to the Moon

India became the first country to land near the south pole of the Moon, a notoriously difficult achievement that also marks them as the fourth country to land on the Moon.
