Today: September 21, 2024
Today: September 21, 2024

Latest From Piper Hudspeth Blackburn


'This is the endgame': Van Jones reacts to growing pressure on Biden

CNN's Van Jones weighs in on the growing number of prominent Democrats trying to get President Joe Biden to abandon his election campaign.

'This is the endgame': Van Jones reacts to growing pressure on Biden

Tapper: 'Biden appeared quite confused' in latest recorded interview

CNN’s Jake Tapper shows clips from an interview on YouTube with President Biden where the president seemed to confuse when former President Obama asked him to be his vice president.

Tapper: 'Biden appeared quite confused' in latest recorded interview

Pelosi privately told Biden polls show he cannot win and will take down the House; Biden responded with defensiveness

Pelosi privately told Biden polls show he cannot win and will take down the House; Biden responded with defensiveness

Pelosi privately told Biden polls show he cannot win and will take down the House; Biden responded with defensiveness
