Today: September 27, 2024
Today: September 27, 2024

Latest From Nobuhiro Kubo, Takaya Yamaguchi and Tim Kelly


Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan

A collapse in the yen is forcing Japan to scale back a historic five-year, 43.5-trillion-yen defence build-up aimed at helping to

Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan

Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan

A collapse in the yen is forcing Japan to scale back a historic five-year, 43.5-trillion-yen defence build-up aimed at helping to

Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan

Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan

A collapse in the yen is forcing Japan to scale back a historic five-year, 43.5-trillion-yen defence build-up aimed at helping to

Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan

Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan

A collapse in the yen is forcing Japan to scale back a historic five-year, 43.5-trillion-yen defence build-up aimed at helping to

Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan

Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan

A collapse in the yen is forcing Japan to scale back a historic five-year, 43.5-trillion-yen defence build-up aimed at helping to

Exclusive: Weak yen forces Japan to shrink historic military spending plan
