Today: September 20, 2024
Today: September 20, 2024

Latest From Sean Lyngaas, Evan Perez, Kylie Atwood, Zachary Cohen and Jennifer Hansler


Merrick Garland shares details of Russian election interference accusations

The Biden administration announced a sweeping set of actions to tackle a major Russian government-backed effort to influence the 2024 US presidential election, including unveiling criminal charges against two Russian nationals, sanctions on ten individuals and entities, and the seizure of 32 internet domains.

Merrick Garland shares details of Russian election interference accusations

Biden administration announces major actions to tackle Russian efforts to influence 2024 election

Biden administration announces major actions to tackle Russian efforts to influence 2024 election

Biden administration announces major actions to  tackle Russian efforts to influence 2024 election

US to accuse Russia of trying to influence 2024 election

The Biden administration plans to accuse Russia of a sustained effort to influence the 2024 US elections by using Kremlin-run media and other online platforms to target US voters with disinformation, six sources familiar with the matter told CNN. CNN's Evan Perez has the details.

US to accuse Russia of trying to influence 2024 election
