NORTH NAPLES, Florida (WBBH) -- Two snakes were discovered and removed from a second-story condo in North Naples Wednesday, according to animal trappers with Slethreptiles. The reptiles, black racer snakes, were hiding under an oven and in a kitchen cupboard in the Esplanade Golf and Country Club on Immokalee Road.
“I pulled the board out, and I could see the snake, and the snake just looked extra-long. And abnormal size. And then I realized that there were two in there when the other one popped its head up,” said Seth Brattain of Slethrepitles, a wildlife removal service.
The black racers, a male and a female, were likely together because it’s mating season. While non-venomous and native to Florida, black racers can be aggressive and deliver a painful bite.
“If you try and taunt them, they will actually chase you,” Brattain said.
This was the first time in Brattain’s 13-year career that he had found two snakes this high up in a building. He believes they slithered in through a gap in the wall or garage.
“She was absolutely terrified. I mean, they were there for five days. Sleeping at night, at any time, they could crawl in bed with you,” Brattain said.
The snakes were removed without incident and relocated. If you find a snake in your home, Brattain advises calling a professional — unless you want to risk a bite.