DALLAS (KTVT) -- No one said getting out of prison was easy, but Christina Melton Crain isn't sure people know exactly how hard it can be.
"When they get off the bus, they've been given $100 as well from the prison system, and they don't know what to do," said Crain
That's why she founded Unlocking Doors, a non-profit that helps people who are getting out of prison stay out of prison.
"If you just get out of prison and you need help with like social security cards, driver's license, ID. They just, all the resources you need, they're going to work as hard as you want to work for yourself," said Alonzo, "Zo" Anderson.
"I was in prison for selling drugs and aggravated robbery," said Anderson.
Those convictions made it hard for him to find and keep a job.
"Zo is one of our star clients. Came to us, didn't have a clue where to go, didn't have a support system, but was determined," said Crain.
Crain and her team helped him land a job with Ruthies. He's now the executive chef.
"I just love seeing the smile I put on people's face when they take a bite of that sandwich or whatever they order," said Anderson.
And the hard work of "Unlocking doors" caught the eye of the NFL.
"We are thrilled to have a partnership with the Cowboys. Charlotte Jones actually decided to name me as their Change Maker," said Crain.
The recognition comes with a $10,000 donation and two tickets to the Super Bowl.
While Crain's excited about going to the big game, she says it pales in comparison to how she feels watching clients like Anderson. succeed.
"They are worthy of praise and worthy of accomplishment. So you have moments like that, why wouldn't you get up every day for that?"