HINDS COUNTY, Mississippi (WAPT) -- The Jackson Public School District Board of Trustees has approved a significant increase to the state of Mississippi's minimum pay for schoolteachers.
The approval was made Tuesday night during a board meeting.
For the 2024-2025 school year, teachers and other certified staff on the teacher salary schedule will see an increase in their local supplement. The impact will vary based on individual experience and certification levels. The new supplement minimums are as follows:
-Teachers with 0-20 years of service: $5,000 -Teachers with 21-30 years of service: $5,250 -Teachers with over 31 years of service: $5,500
District leaders said the increase was made possible by the $18 million in additional revenues from the state legislature’s new funding formula, as well as savings from the district’s Optimization for Equity Plan. According to state legislators, the new Mississippi Student Funding Formula will provide an additional $218 million in funding to public schools in Fiscal Year 2025 (2024-25 school year).
Additionally, the JPS Board has approved increased hourly wages for classified staff, with a minimum raise of $2.00 per hour and skilled laborers or licensed positions receiving up to $7.00 per hour more.