Today: September 19, 2024
Today: September 19, 2024

Scientists detect longest pair of jets streaming from a supermassive black hole

Black Hole Jets
September 18, 2024

NEW YORK (AP) — Scientists have discovered the longest pair of jets streaming from a black hole in a distant galaxy.

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NYC hosting 1st ever National Urban Rat Summit to strategize in war on rats

NYC hosting 1st ever National Urban Rat Summit to strategize in war on rats

NYC hosting 1st ever National Urban Rat Summit to strategize in war on rats

Endangered sea corals moved from South Florida to the Texas Gulf Coast for research and restoration

Scientists have moved about 300 endangered sea corals from South Florida to the Texas Gulf Coast for research and restoration

Endangered sea corals moved from South Florida to the Texas Gulf Coast for research and restoration

Cognitive decline reduced by MIND diet, especially for women and Black people, study finds

Cognitive decline reduced by MIND diet, especially for women and Black people, study finds

Cognitive decline reduced by MIND diet, especially for women and Black people, study finds
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