Today: July 02, 2024
Today: July 02, 2024



As political fervor for New Zealand's Māori resurgence wanes, a new Indigenous holiday comes of age

When New Zealand established a national day for Matariki, the Māori new year, in 2022, making it the country's first Indigenous public holiday, many New Zealanders didn't know what it was

As political fervor for New Zealand's Māori resurgence wanes, a new Indigenous holiday comes of age

Julian Assange is now free to do or say whatever he likes. What does his future hold?

One of the most polarizing and influential figures of the information age, Julian Assange is now free after five years in a British prison and seven years in self-imposed exile in a London embassy

Julian Assange is now free to do or say whatever he likes. What does his future hold?

New Zealand renews search for father who vanished into forest with children 2 years ago

Police in New Zealand offered an 80,000 New Zealand dollar reward and immunity from prosecution on Tuesday to anyone who could help them secure the safe return of three children missing since December 2021

New Zealand renews search for father who vanished into forest with children 2 years ago

Passenger plane lands safely in New Zealand after fire shuts down an engine

New Zealand's fire service says a passenger plane landed safely after a fire shortly after takeoff shut down one engine


An ex-gun lobbyist is revising New Zealand's gun laws, tightened after the 2019 mosque attack

A New Zealand lawmaker says the government will overhaul the gun laws tightened after the mass shooting by a white supremacist five years ago

An ex-gun lobbyist is revising New Zealand's gun laws, tightened after the 2019 mosque attack

Chinese Premier Li and New Zealand’s Luxon hail close ties as they sign trade deals in Wellington

Chinese Premier Li Qiang has met with New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon in Wellington, where the two leaders played up the ability of “good friends” to respectfully disagree — while publicly diverging on little

Chinese Premier Li and New Zealand’s Luxon hail close ties as they sign trade deals in Wellington

New South Wales becomes last Australian state to apologize for laws criminalizing homosexuality

New South Wales has become the last Australian state to apologize for laws criminalizing homosexual acts, 40 years after decriminalization

New South Wales becomes last Australian state to apologize for laws criminalizing homosexuality
