Black-colored plastic used for kitchen utensils and toys linked to banned toxic flame retardants
Black-colored plastic used for kitchen utensils and toys linked to banned toxic flame retardants
Black-colored plastic used for kitchen utensils and toys linked to banned toxic flame retardants
Most of today’s children are unlikely to live to 100, analysis says
If you live to 100, is it because of genetics or your lifestyle? In this week’s “Dr. Sanjay Gupta On Call,” Dr. Gupta explains what matters most when it comes to longevity.
Your preference for spicy foods may be all in your head
Common heart conditions raise the risk of dementia, experts say
Stress and ‘moon face’: What experts say about this TikTok trend
What experts say about taking psilocybin as an alternative treatment for depression
If you’re biting your nails over the election, use these expert tips to reduce stress
CNN's Jake Tapper debunks conspiracy theories about the 2024 presidential election spreading online.
Life with narcolepsy: ‘It’s not a joke, it’s a very serious illness’
How to cope with post-Election Day stress
Toxic chemical ‘Hall of Shame’ calls out retailers in time for holiday shopping
Being aerobically fit in middle age may reduce Alzheimer’s and dementia risk, study says
Dementia may arrive a decade earlier in men at high risk for heart disease, study finds
Belly fat linked to signs of Alzheimer’s 20 years before symptoms begin, study says
Study looks at impact of two kinds of chocolate on type 2 diabetes risk
Certain foods may disrupt your body’s fight against cancer cells, study says
A lowly vegetable rises to stardom in newly released dietary advisory report
Toxic chemical in black plastic utensils and toys is being allowed to proliferate by EPA, lawsuit alleges
A very small glass of wine might be good for the heart, study finds. Experts disagree
Lead and cadmium found in muscle-building protein powders, report says
FDA disappoints child advocates with its new limit on lead in baby food
An often overlooked way to improve your sex life in 2025
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