Looks like Americans swapped porn for politics during the Trump-Harris debate, with Pornhub seeing a big dip in traffic.
The debate was a hit, pulling in 67 million viewers on 17 networks. Meanwhile, Pornhub's traffic dropped nearly 15% nationwide. All 50 states saw fewer people watching porn as folks tuned into the political drama instead. The debate's massive viewership shows how much people care about this election and what it means for the country.
Some swing states saw even bigger drops in Pornhub traffic. Wisconsin, for instance, saw a remarkable 22.6% decrease in Pornhub visits, while Pennsylvania experienced an 18.2% decline. These states, which are considered crucial for both candidates' electoral success, exhibited a stronger tendency among residents to prioritize political engagement over personal entertainment during this critical event.
The timing of the traffic fluctuations provides additional insight into viewers' behavior and engagement levels throughout the debate. Pornhub reported above-average streaming levels prior to the debate's 9 p.m. start time. However, as soon as Trump and Harris took the stage, a noticeable dip in viewership occurred. At 9:36 p.m., when the candidates were debating on the topic of immigration, Pornhub's traffic dropped by 23.5%. It looks like the immigration topic really grabbed people's attention, showing it's a hot-button issue for voters.
As the debate dragged on, some viewers started to lose interest. After the first ad break at 10:06 p.m., more people started heading back to Pornhub. "It seems people had heard enough from the candidates and instead chose to relieve themselves of the tension," the company cheekily quipped in a statement provided to The Post.