Today: October 05, 2024
Today: October 05, 2024



What qualifies as a good golf score? We unravel golf's biggest question

As that final putt drops and the scorecards are tallied up, there’s one burning question on every golfer’s mind – “Was that a good score today?” Now this seems like it should be a pretty straightforward thing to answer, right? But defining what counts as a “good golf score” is a lot trickier than it looks. Conventionally, carding under 80 strokes is lauded as a praiseworthy feat in golf’s arena. Yet, this seemingly accessible target remains an elusive milestone, with scarcely one in ten male golfers and a mere two percent of female players consistently breaching this barrier. While par

What qualifies as a good golf score? We unravel golf's biggest question

Elderly at risk? CDC investigates RSV vaccines linked to Guillain-Barre Syndrome 

Just when everyone was popping the champagne over these two new RSV vaccines getting the green light, a major buzzkill rolled in. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now examining a possible link between these newly authorized shots and an increased risk of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). This uncommon neurological disorder leads to the immune system of the body attacking its own nerves. This concerning development has created significant worries regarding the safety of these vaccines, especially for the elderly who are the main focus group. At the center of this storm are concerning facts revealed at

Elderly at risk? CDC investigates RSV vaccines linked to Guillain-Barre Syndrome 

The hidden struggle: uncovering depression in teenage boys

How do boys act when they are depressed? While concerns over teenage girls’ mental well-being have rightly captured attention, a largely overlooked issue lurks – the high rates of depression and anxiety impacting adolescent boys. Experts warn this segment is grappling with serious psychological distress that frequently goes unnoticed due to how depression manifests differently in young men. The consequences of this blind spot could prove dire. The crux of the problem? Depression in teenage boys often doesn’t fit society’s preconceived notions. Instead of sadness and melancholy, the telltale signs are externalizing behaviors like irritability, aggression, and acting out. Symptoms

The hidden struggle: uncovering depression in teenage boys

Harvard researchers link ice cream consumption to lower diabetes

You scream, I scream, we all scream for…better heart health? As outlandish as it sounds, that’s precisely what some rigorous data analysis from Harvard University has implied. Their research found that diabetics who indulged in a daily ice cream treat had a lower risk of cardiac complications. A real head-scratcher for the nutrition academics, to say the least. It started with a student named Andres Ardisson Korat at Harvard. He was just doing his doctoral research on dairy and diseases when he noticed something weird. Diabetics who ate a half cup of ice cream daily seemed to have a lower

Harvard researchers link ice cream consumption to lower diabetes

Sleep tourism gains traction in luxury hospitality industry

In the last few years, luxury accommodations worldwide have jumped on the “sleep tourism” bandwagon – curating specialized experiences catered to provide guests with a truly revitalizing, high-quality slumber. From cutting-edge sleep tech gadgets to immersive wellness programming, these upscale hospitality brands aim to satisfy travelers’ cravings for a truly restorative, profoundly restful overnight stay. One such property embracing this trend is the historic Hotel Figueroa in downtown Los Angeles. In response to the “coronasomnia” phenomenon – the increase in sleep problems brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic – the hotel launched its Rest and Recovery suite in 2021. Priced

Sleep tourism gains traction in luxury hospitality industry

Single mom psychosis hell: Helen Flanagan's ADHD medication trauma

The entertainment world was jolted when former Coronation Street star Helen Flanagan laid bare a disturbing mental health crisis she grappled with. The 33-year-old actress, who portrayed Rosie Webster on the renowned British drama series, courageously took to Instagram to share the raw details of her intense psychological struggles with ADHD medication in late in 2022. In the candid social media disclosure, Flanagan revealed that last December and January found her consumed by emotional turmoil in the aftermath of her romantic split 18 months prior from long-term partner Scott Sinclair, with whom she shares three young children. The newfound single

Single mom psychosis hell: Helen Flanagan's ADHD medication trauma

Smoke Signals of Infidelity: 15 Understated Signs of Cheating

In an ideal world, love would be a sacred covenant, forever shielded from the erosive forces of infidelity. But the somber truth is that cheating remains an insidious reality, capable of reducing even the most steadfast bonds to ashes. While some signs of cheating are as subtle as a neon sign, others require a keener eye to discern. To shed light on this delicate subject, we consulted a seasoned private investigator who has spent countless hours uncovering the painful truth about unfaithful partners. Weaving their hard-earned wisdom into our own research, we present 15 undercover signs of cheating that your

Smoke Signals of Infidelity: 15 Understated Signs of Cheating

 Silent treatment in relationships: the quiet killer of intimacy and trust

When couples come together, open and honest conversations build closeness and understanding. However, many fall into a harmful pattern—the cold shoulder, the silent treatment, or refusing to speak. Purposely depriving your partner of words, often as punishment or to exert control, causes profound emotional pain that can tear even the strongest relationships apart. This “silent treatment in relationships” may seem tame, but its roots are surprisingly cruel. In the 19th century, sailors used merciless silence to discipline misbehaving crew members on long ocean voyages. The writer Otis Ferguson called it “a process so effective…as to make strong men weep.” What


Measles outbreak fuels heated debate over mandatory vaccination laws

People thought that measles was a disease of the past, but its scary comeback has broken that illusion. Several new measles outbreaks have emerged across multiple states including California and Michigan. Additionally, seven cases were identified among students at the same elementary school in Florida. These incidents highlight how the highly contagious measles virus continues to spread in communities around the country. Matthew Ferrari, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at Penn State University, aptly describes the situation as a “pile of firewood” with each outbreak acting as a match, increasing the risk of a larger conflagration.

Measles outbreak fuels heated debate over mandatory vaccination laws

The unsettling cult signs that could be lurking in your community

We picture cults as something from movies – twisted leaders controlling mindless followers. But the shocking truth is these destructive groups are lurking in towns across America, ruining lives through mental manipulation and abuse. From draining your savings to stripping your freedom, falling into a cult’s clutches can have a devastating toll. Knowing the cult signs and their red flags is key to avoiding these insidious traps – or escaping their grip before it’s too late. Don’t think it could happen to you? The most unsuspecting people get lured into these groups’ web of control. Defend yourself by learning to

The unsettling cult signs that could be lurking in your community

Actress spotlights early breast cancer detection-urging awareness

early breast cancer

Actress spotlights early breast cancer detection-urging awareness

Doctors treat conditions tied to ultra-processed foods

Imagine you’re walking through the grocery store. All around are bright, colorful ultra-processed foods and packages trying to grab your attention. They make easy promises about saving time, being happy, and tasting really yummy. It’s a familiar scene, one that we’ve all experienced countless times. But as you reach for that bag of cookies, that can of soda, or that tray of ready-made meals, pause for a moment and consider the hidden truth lurking beneath the attractive exterior. Lots of proof shows these man-made eats are truly bad news. They may seem tasty but these factory foods put our health

Doctors treat conditions tied to ultra-processed foods

Landlords on high alert over squatter schemes

Across the United States, a growing number of online forums and groups are providing detailed instructions for illegally occupying vacant homes through a practice known as squatting. With rent prices soaring and a shortage of affordable housing options, these “how-to” guides empower thousands to take desperate measures and move into properties they do not own or rent. While squatting laws differ from state to state, the general premise revolves around “adverse possession” – a legal concept allowing a settler to claim ownership of an abandoned property after residing there openly for a specified period, often several years. However, many are

Landlords on high alert over squatter schemes

Car data privacy breach: automakers secretly share driving records with insurers

Do car companies sell your data? A startling revelation has come to light – major automakers and insurance companies have entered into a furtive exchange of consumer driving records. This under-the-radar practice involves car manufacturers discreetly sharing granular details about individuals’ driving habits and vehicle usage patterns with data brokers who cater to the insurance industry’s appetite for such insights. The veil was lifted on this covert data trade when Todd Smith, a software firm owner residing near Seattle, received an eye-opening 258-page dossier from LexisNexis, a global data analytics giant. The document exhaustively chronicled over half a year of

Car data privacy breach: automakers secretly share driving records with insurers

The crucial difference between being nice and kind, according to psychologists

Difference between being Nice and Kind

The crucial difference between being nice and kind, according to psychologists

Best neighborhoods in LA: where to stay and play

Los Angeles constantly reinvents itself as an alluring travel destination with an ever-growing list of exciting neighborhoods to explore. Several districts have emerged as tourist favorites in recent years for their eclectic local flavors, from posh beach towns to urban city centers overflowing with culture and cuisine. Both locals and visitors find themselves spoiled for choice when planning their next LA vacation. Some of the trendiest and best neighborhoods in Los Angeles are Culver City, Downtown LA (DTLA), Hollywood, Pasadena, Santa Monica, and West Hollywood. These diverse areas tempt tourists with new hotels, restaurants, bars, and attractions that regularly open

Best neighborhoods in LA: where to stay and play

Suicide prevention experts issue urgent call after devastating tragedy strikes local school

It’s the kind of soul-crushing phone call that leaves you paralyzed with fear – a friend quietly confiding they’ve been consumed by intense thoughts of ending their own life. Their voice drips with hopelessness as they describe a feeling of worthlessness, that everyone would be better off without their presence. The weight of their problems seems utterly inescapable, an endless torture chamber of mental anguish they’re desperate to finally escape. In that grave moment, your heart sinks into your stomach as you realize your treasured friend has been silently crumbling under the darkest depths of human despair. You quickly find

Suicide prevention experts issue urgent call after devastating tragedy strikes local school

Psychologists warn 'benching' is worse than ghosting

A new term has come into the dating lexicon recently – “benching.” While the label was coined in 2023, this psychologically toxic behavior has actually been happening behind the scenes for years. Benching refers to when someone keeps a romantic interest on the back burner, continuously leading them on with just enough breadcrumbs of flirtation and future potential to keep them hooked. The person doing the benching has made up their mind that you aren’t their number one priority or choice, but won’t fully let you go either in case their other dating prospects don’t pan out. You’ve essentially been

Psychologists warn 'benching' is worse than ghosting

Ace adulthood by acing this presidential fitness test

Remember the Presidential Fitness Test from your childhood gym classes? For decades, students anxiously lined up to run miles, crank out sit-ups, and squeeze through flexibility drills, striving for that coveted award. Well, it turns out many of those old-school fitness challenges abandoned long ago still offer valuable insights today – if you approach them with the right mindset. Experts say rather than worrying about arbitrary benchmarks, focusing on personal progress can make elements of the Presidential Fitness Test timeless tools for improving functional fitness as adults. So dust off your gym shoes and get ready to jog down memory

Ace adulthood by acing this presidential fitness test

Does "lucky girl syndrome" empower young women or exploit them?

Need a magic pill to fix your problems fast? That’s the alluring promise of “lucky girl syndrome” exploding on TikTok lately. Videos preach that truly believing you’re destined for spontaneous good fortune can suddenly attract penthouse apartments and dream jobs crashing into your real life. But can positive thinking manipulate external outcomes just by shifting self-perception? As coaches insist repeatedly affirming your latent “luckiness” works miracles, millions of eyeballs watch in hope. But backlash builds, too, as experts urge wariness about assumptions that luck alone controls fate. They argue that trends like “lucky girl syndrome” cruelly downplay systemic barriers by

Does "lucky girl syndrome" empower young women or exploit them?

Researchers decode how to defeat mental fatigue and distraction

Feel like your mind goes blank when you need to focus most? You’re not alone. Mental fatigue plagues us all in our distraction-filled world. However, groundbreaking new research suggests refreshing strategies to sharpen concentration and banish burnout. For over a century, experts theorized our brains drain limited energy like muscles, leading to mental tiredness. But an innovative study upends conventional wisdom. It reveals mental fatigue is largely psychological – and conquerable through a simple yet powerful tactic. Researchers at the University of Oregon have uncovered goal-setting as the antidote to foggy thinking and wandering minds. Their experiments unveil how smart

Researchers decode how to defeat mental fatigue and distraction

Homeowners score big in stimulus - Rebates up to $8K

Homeowners in select states could soon qualify for rebates up to $8,000 from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) by upgrading to more energy efficient appliances. The rebates aim to offset costs for swapping items like furnaces or stoves to environmentally friendly models.  The IRA passed in 2022 allotted $8.8 billion for home efficiency rebates nationwide. States must apply to access funding and then distribute rebates locally. So far, California, New York, New Mexico, and Hawaii have initiated the process. Residents in these leading states may see rebates materialize this year if state plans get approved swiftly. Officials project Hawaiian rebates

Homeowners score big in stimulus - Rebates up to $8K

The radical vegan's mission to overhaul your eating habits

“Meat is murder!” The provocative slogan rings across the urban park, held aloft on signs by a crowd of protesters. This isn’t just any rally – it’s a demonstration by the Radical Vegan Front, a controversial activist group striving to abolish all use of animals for food, clothing, or research. Their extreme stance and sensational tactics have earned them notoriety and disdain. But are their arguments completely without merit? Alex, a prominent member, explains what radicalizes vegans. “We’re driven by compassion for animals facing horrific cruelty in factory farms. Their suffering is needless and revolting. Society has to change its

The radical vegan's mission to overhaul your eating habits

Are you relationshopping or ready for a relationship?

The proliferation of dating apps and social media has entirely transformed the quest for love in the 21st century. With a tap you can access seemingly endless romantic possibilities tailored to your every preference. But beware – having too many options can backfire for the lonely heart. Enter the rise of “relationshopping” – the habit of endlessly swiping through potential matches like items in a catalog, seeking the ideal romantic product. This mentality causes singles to constantly wonder if someone better awaits in their queue of virtual admirers. According to dating coaches, the assumption that a perfect soulmate exists perpetually

Are you relationshopping or ready for a relationship?

New dating trend "paperclipping" defined - Why it harms both parties

The rise of digital communication in romance has enabled new forms of annoying dating behaviors. Enter “paperclipping” – when someone you briefly dated resurfaces out of the blue after months of silence to casually chat as nothing happened. This pattern of disappearing post-dates only to follow up later leaves the recipient confused and irritated. Experts say despite the new name, paperclipping echoes immature relationship habits that predate apps. The difference is texting and social media now provide more tempting avenues for intermittent connection without commitment. “Paperclipping represents an age-old dynamic of seeking validation through superficial contact,” says psychologist Dr. Carla

New dating trend "paperclipping" defined - Why it harms both parties

Stomach vacuums trending as the hot new workout on social media

Forget crunches. The Internet’s new abs obsession is stomach vacuums – an old school exercise unexpectedly gone viral overnight. As you scroll social media, you’ll see countless videos of people intensely sucking in their stomachs. The breath-controlled move promises a “snatched waist” and chiseled core. But is vacuuming in your gut the real secret to a six-pack? Or just another fitness fad of the moment? Fitness pros explain what stomach vacuums actually do, whether they live up to the tight tummy hype, and how to do them right. While abs likely won’t transform instantly from vacuuming alone, experts say the

Stomach vacuums trending as the hot new workout on social media

Intrusive thoughts surprisingly common but treatable say experts

Nearly everyone experiences intrusive thoughts – unwanted, disturbing ideas that seem to come out of nowhere. These repetitive mental images or urges often involve violent, sexual, or morally questionable content violating one’s sense of character. While intrusive thoughts cause significant distress, they generally pose no actual risk of harm. Professional treatment can alleviate their suffering and regain peace of mind.  Intrusive thoughts feel egregiously opposed to a person’s true nature and desires. A hiker staring down a cliff imagines suddenly pushing their loved one. A doting parent envisions stabbing their precious newborn. These thoughts rarely align with the person’s behavior

Intrusive thoughts surprisingly common but treatable say experts

Flamin' Hot Cheetos could soon be banned by California schools

California State Assembly introduced a controversial bill that could soon prohibit schools from serving snacks like Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Proposed by Democrat Assembly member Jesse Gabriel, Assembly Bill 2316, proposes to ban public schools from providing any foods containing certain harmful artificial dyes and additives. Seven specific ingredients have been called out: The artificial dyes Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1, Blue 2, Green 3, and the whitening agent titanium dioxide. These unhealthy additives are commonly found in packaged snacks that are marketing to appeal to kids.  Advocacy groups have raised concerns about health impacts from heavy consumption

Flamin' Hot Cheetos could soon be banned by California schools

Experts reveal why women's sex drives tanked after COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic dealt a crushing blow to many women’s sex drives – one that hasn’t recovered even years later. Studies show female desire dropped steeply since lockdowns began and remains suppressed. But why are women still struggling with lagging libido? And how can couples reignite passion after the prolonged intimacy rut? Experts say pandemic-fueled stress overloaded already-taxed women juggling remote work, childcare, and household chores alone. With school and support gone, sex often slipped to the bottom of a lengthy to-do list. But even as life regains normalcy, many couples remain stuck in a sexual disconnect. The good news?

Experts reveal why women's sex drives tanked after COVID

Where in the world is Kate Middleton?

There is a lot of confusion about where Kate Middleton is. Once called the most visible royal after the Queen, the Duchess suddenly dropped out of sight for some medical procedure, only announced as “planned abdominal surgery.” Kensington Palace announced on January 17th that the Princess of Wales had entered the hospital the prior day for planned abdominal surgery. They stated she would require 10-14 days of recovery before resuming duties around Easter. With only scattered sightings since Christmas, speculation swirls over Kate’s condition, the secrecy around her health, and when the reliable Duchess will finally reemerge. The Palace has

Where in the world is Kate Middleton?

Why did U.S. officials stop investigating radiation research?

Abruptly and without scientific justification, federal agencies have halted further research into potential health risks from cellphone radiation exposure. This stunning reversal comes despite decades of concerning animal studies indicating serious harms. The National Toxicology Program (NTP), tasked with investigating toxins, recently announced it will no longer pursue evidence that cellphone radiation can harm animals or humans. This flies in the face of their own two-year rodent studies published in 2018, which found “clear evidence” linking cellphone radiation to brain and heart tumors in male rats. “There’s no scientific explanation or justification for this sudden reversal,” said Devra Davis, a

Why did U.S. officials stop investigating radiation research?

Affairs with multiple partners? Why people get addicted to cheating & lying

Discovering your partner has not just cheated but done so repeatedly with different people elicits a special kind of excruciating betrayal. Experts call this pattern “serial cheating.” The deceit and risks to your health are cut so much deeper when it’s not an isolated lapse in judgment. So what drives someone to cheat over and over compulsively? Are there early warning signs you can spot to avoid being the next victim? Psychiatrists say underlying mental health issues like poor impulse control and intimacy problems are often at the root. While serial cheaters struggle with their demons, their actions gamble with

Affairs with multiple partners? Why people get addicted to cheating & lying

Small diet tweaks can add up to 13 extra years of life - here's how

What if improving your diet could add over a decade to your lifespan? New research reveals the incredible impact daily food choices have on longevity and disease risk. Studies show that simply eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and less processed meat could extend life by 13 years on average. But with so many conflicting theories on what, when, and how to eat, how can you unlock the secrets to eating for longevity? “People can add up to 13 years of life by following a diet that has more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts,” said Dr. Leana Wen, an

Small diet tweaks can add up to 13 extra years of life - here's how

LA accountant reveals shocking tax deductions IRS accepted from clients

The IRS has approved some shockingly bizarre tax deductions over the years – from breast implants for a stripper to private jets for efficient travel. Even cat food has been claimed as a business expense! While most filers claim basic deductions like mortgage interest, some taxpayers get creative and push the limits with unique write-offs. If they can prove an odd expense was truly essential for their work or medically necessary, the IRS auditors may just accept their questionable arguments. But pursuing fringe deductions is risky business. Without ironclad justification, you could get slapped with penalties and back taxes instead.

LA accountant reveals shocking tax deductions IRS accepted from clients

How Amy Schumer's Cushing's revelation highlights the significance and dangers of cortisol

When comedian Amy Schumer shared her Cushing’s syndrome diagnosis, she put the spotlight on this little-known disorder caused by too much “stress hormone.” Cortisol is supposed to help our bodies deal with stress, but when levels stay high for too long, big problems start. Symptoms like sudden weight gain, mood swings, weak muscles and more can take over your life. Schumer even said the constant cortisol made her feel like “a different person.” Cushing’s is complex, confusing and nothing to joke about. While Schumer’s candid admission has raised public awareness, it has also fueled anxiety and uncertainty surrounding cortisol balance

How Amy Schumer's Cushing's revelation highlights the significance and dangers of cortisol

When does "main character energy" cross the line from self-love into self-absorption?

Strolling along Melrose Avenue with a cappuccino in hand, you notice your reflection in a boutique window and can’t help but appreciate how great you look today. People call it “main character energy” – when someone carries themselves as the protagonist of their own story. Experts say this self-affirming perspective can be healthy and help prioritize self-care as long as it’s not taken too far. “When you think of movies and the main character, that’s the person you’re following, that’s the person you’re rooting for,” says Raquel Martin, a licensed clinical psychologist in Los Angeles. “I see it the same

When does "main character energy" cross the line from self-love into self-absorption?

How this mother regained control from Instagram's grip through a simple hack

During the challenging period of early motherhood, when days seem to blend together, and self-care seems like a far-off concept, new mothers discover comfort in the light of their phone displays. One California mother found comfort via Instagram, but soon it became a consuming addiction. “During the long, slow days of early parenthood, I checked the app compulsively,” she confessed in a recent interview. “Like someone who absentmindedly bites her nails or reaches for a cigarette, I would open the app without even thinking. The motion became automatic, reflexive.” Initially a harmless method to alleviate the routine of looking after

How this mother regained control from Instagram's grip through a simple hack

California jails grapple with tragedy

California jails face crisis as overdoses skyrocket to alarming levels. Fentanyl flooding the system mainly to blame for the spike in deadly ODs. Early state numbers show at least 59 fatal overdoses last year – more than the prior two years put together. Experts view the dramatic change as a setback following initial progress in enhancing addiction treatment and availability of the overdose rescue medication naloxone. Merely two years ago, a groundbreaking California initiative aimed at reducing overdoses in prisons received recognition nationwide as a blueprint for improvement. The rapid increase of fentanyl, a highly strong synthetic opioid, has surpassed numerous preventative

California jails grapple with tragedy

Recharge your batteries with 20 soul-soothing weekend getaways

Southern California offers no shortage of alluring destinations for quick weekend escapes. From mountain towns like Big Bear to coastal hot spots like La Jolla and Catalina, intrepid travelers can craft custom vacations catering to their every whim or wanderlust.  “There’s such diversity packed into Southern California’s diverse landscapes,” said John Smith, editor of California Weekends magazine. “Ski one day, tan on the beach the next. Explore various vineyards, enjoy delicious seafood, and end the trip by dancing until dawn surrounded by palm trees swaying in the cool coastal breeze.  Big Bear Lake has consistently attracted Los Angeles residents over

Recharge your batteries with 20 soul-soothing weekend getaways

AM vs PM: Does it matter what time you workout?

Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, you’ve probably wondered: is there an optimal time of day to work out? The debate between the benefits of an energizing AM sweat session versus an evening stress-relieving workout has raged on for ages. But the answer isn’t as black and white as you might think. Believe it or not, the time you choose to lace up your sneakers can impact everything from your mood to your metabolism. Surprising new research reveals how finely tuned your circadian clock is and how harnessing your body’s natural 24-hour rhythms can help you burn

AM vs PM: Does it matter what time you workout?

Could this simple homemade drink be the key to better sleep?

In a world where bleary-eyed scrollers desperately seek the perfect night’s sleep, a simple homemade concoction has taken social media by storm. The “sleepy girl mocktail,” a sweet blend of tart cherry juice and magnesium powder, promises to lull even the most restless minds into a blissful slumber. But can this trendy drink really live up to its lofty claims? As the siren call of this seemingly miraculous elixir grows louder, experts weigh in on the science behind its ingredients and offer insights on how to effectively incorporate it into a holistic sleep routine. Discover whether the sleepy girl mocktail

Could this simple homemade drink be the key to better sleep?

"Everything is great!" but is it? The truth behind smiling depression

Mary Johnson consistently starts her workday by kindly greeting her coworkers with a energetic “Good morning!” Her demeanor at meetings is characterized by laughter and humor, praising others, and offering positive motivation. Following work, she joins friends for supper and a movie, engaging in lively conversation and expressing joy while discussing the film. She enjoys cozying up with her children at home, reading them bedtime stories with a joyful expression on her face. At times, after the children have gone to bed, Mary finds solace in the bathroom, where she spends hours shedding tears, overwhelmed by a profound melancholy. She

"Everything is great!" but is it? The truth behind smiling depression

The conservative argument against no-fault divorce

Even though no-fault divorce has been legal for over 50 years, many conservatives still argue against it. They think ending a marriage without blaming someone goes against family values. Some even want current no-fault divorce laws repealed. But supporters say no-fault divorce gives people more freedom and fairness. They warn that limiting it could lead to real harms. This big split shows a divide between different worldviews in America — those who think morals are relative and those who see moral truth as universal. When California legalized no-fault divorce in 1969, it began a nationwide shift in how the law views

The conservative argument against no-fault divorce

Remember that Oscars selfie from 2014?

A decade ago, Ellen DeGeneres orchestrated what would become the most famous Oscars selfie ever. With Bradley Cooper holding the phone, DeGeneres squeezed over a dozen A-list celebrities into one smiling shot. The image quickly went viral, racking up over 2 million retweets. But ten years later, that iconic selfie elicits a very different response. Today, that iconic photo marks a milestone. Some of the people in the picture have had downfalls over the years, but the selfie will always be a picture full of contagious happiness. It shows the thrill of accomplishments and the ties made on big stages.

Remember that Oscars selfie from 2014?

Ditch dull strolls and say hello to rucking

Rucking, which comes from the military word “ruck marching,” is just walking while carrying something heavy on your back, and it is the newest exercise trend taking the internet by storm.This one-of-a-kind full-body workout used to be mostly done by military trainees during intense training, but it’s becoming more and more popular because it burns a lot of calories while lowering the risk of injury.   As former Navy SEAL Stew Smith shared, weighted walking has become a routine sight even on suburban streets. He frequently spots neighbors lugging small loads in their backpacks, likely unaware that they are taking part

Ditch dull strolls and say hello to rucking

Pilot adopts puppy, and United Airlines donates $5,000 to SF SPCA

According to the San Francisco SPCA, a pilot working for United Airlines gave new life to a dog abandoned at the San Francisco airport. A young dog named Polaris had come to San Francisco with a tourist from a foreign location. However, the dog was left behind at the airport when “the customer decided to continue traveling without his pet,” according to a news release from the San Francisco SPCA on December 16. The organization said United Airlines made efforts to ensure that the puppy fulfilled all the essential standards to enter the United States, including the quarantine period. According

Pilot adopts puppy, and United Airlines donates $5,000 to SF SPCA

Is sextortion the new ransom kidnapping?

In a world where technology is becoming more prevalent, sextortion has become a terrifying crime. This is when con artists demand intimate photographs from their victims in exchange for monetary bribes; if the victim does not pay, they threaten to distribute the images. The Executive Director of the Exploited Children Division, Lauren Coffren, explains. It’s when people use the internet to threaten and hurt others, often by pretending to be someone they’re not. They target those most at risk, like the elderly or those who feel alone. Criminals use sexually explicit or fake pictures and videos to blackmail people online.

Is sextortion the new ransom kidnapping?

Autism's skyrocketing suicide risk in California

Autism makes it difficult for individuals to communicate, express emotions, and perform the same actions repeatedly, and this condition is becoming more prevalent among children. What is occurring, and how can scientists assist these children and their families? A new study says that autism affects approximately 4% of males and 1% of girls aged 8, according to the study. Twenty years ago, the prevalence was below 1 in 100 children. By 2018, the proportion had surpassed 2 in 100. There are different numbers of autism in different parts of the United States. Some places have a lot more kids with

Autism's skyrocketing suicide risk in California

Losing your mind early? It could be dementia 

At just 59 years old, talk show host Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with early-onset dementia, and because of her public battle, people are now more aware of this mental illness that can happen midlife. Williams first found fame with her nationally syndicated “Wendy Williams Show,” known for piping hot celebrity gossip. But last year, fans grew concerned as she seemed to slur her speech on air or stare blankly at cue cards. This February, through her spokesperson, Williams revealed doctors diagnosed her last summer with Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD).   FTD ravages brain parts responsible for personality, behavior, and language. What

Losing your mind early? It could be dementia 

The future of magic is female as women make their mark

Throughout history, men have usually been in charge of magic. However, things are changing as more and more women take the lead. Their work challenges stereotypes and changes how people think about this art form. One of these people who is making a difference is Anna DeGuzman, who won second place on “America’s Got Talent” and is a rising star in the field of magic.   “I utilize the fact that I’m unique to my benefit,” stated DeGuzman. However, the difference is still noticeable. Approximately 8% of stage magicians are women, a figure that a new generation of female performers are

The future of magic is female as women make their mark

FAA blasted over "outdated" pilot mental health rules

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is facing renewed scrutiny over its pilots’ mental health policies. This comes after an off-duty Alaska Airlines captain allegedly tried to crash a commercial flight, later telling police he was depressed. The incident has reignited calls for the FAA to reform its stringent medical certification process that deters pilots from seeking mental health treatment over fears it could ground them.   Critics argue the FAA’s antiquated approach perpetuates a culture of shame and silence around pilots’ mental health issues. They say the agency’s blunt messaging and threat of revoked licenses cause many to avoid treatment altogether.

FAA blasted over "outdated" pilot mental health rules

Understanding the "Pick-Me" girl. The truth behind the label

The phrase “pick-me girl” emerged as various generations discussed internalized sexism – specifically, the issues that arise when women seek validation from others, particularly men. Middle and high school girls are starting to call out friends who seem too eager to please boys or try to fit into traditional ideas of what a girl should be like.  While the intentions behind the “pick-me girl” accusation are complex, mental health experts urge greater empathy from teens. They note that these behaviors often come from a developmentally normal desire to find belonging within friend groups. In today’s hyperconnected era, with enhanced visibility

Understanding the "Pick-Me" girl. The truth behind the label

Your salt container is more useful than you think

The Morton Salt shaker revelation has sparked imaginative speculation around other possible hidden features in everyday household items. TikTokers have taken to testing hunches as some wonder if the handhold indents reveal storage for extra packets. Or if the ridges circling chapstick tubes could pull off to store tiny snacks. Online discussions have brought whimsical ideas ranging from secret tools tucked in potato chip bags to unfoldable drinking straws hiding in the cardboard of toilet paper rolls. This flood of creativity signals that while advancing technology shoulders much future innovation, consumers still appreciate cleverness in simplicity. “I love those videos

Your salt container is more useful than you think

Breadcrumbing: The dating trend that leaves you starving for more affection

The damaging dating phenomenon labeled as “toxic breadcrumbing” leaves individuals struggling between optimism and despair. Breadcrumbing involves pretending to be romantically interested by sporadically offering attention that ultimately leads to nothing substantial. This manipulative conduct compels targets to fixate on someone incapable of making a genuine commitment. While breadcrumbing can happen in other contexts, it most commonly occurs in modern dating, where technology makes offering fleeting spurts of affection easy. The psychology behind why it works involves “intermittent reinforcement.” You keep trying for more when rewards come randomly, like from a slot machine.  Breadcrumbing takes an insidious emotional toll. Targets

Breadcrumbing: The dating trend that leaves you starving for more affection

The hidden epidemic of compulsive skin picking

Excoriation disorder, also called skin picking disorder, is a mental illness in which people can’t stop picking at their skin, sometimes so badly that they draw blood and hurt themselves.. Research shows that skin picking provides momentary relief from difficult emotions and anxiety. This disorder is officially recognized as a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and body-focused repetitive behavior in the DSM-5 psychiatric manual. Skin picking tends to be a chronic condition that is linked to underlying mental health issues like depression, anxiety, trauma, and body image issues. Although misunderstood, skin picking disorder causes great distress and impairment for millions

The hidden epidemic of compulsive skin picking

No sky-high rides to Dodger games as the stadium halts its gondola project

An ambitious plan for an aerial gondola transit system connecting Dodger Stadium to Union Station in downtown Los Angeles has been put on hold. The plan was hailed as an innovative way to solve the long-standing traffic problems around the stadium. In February 2023, Eunisses Hernandez, a Los Angeles City Council member, officially presented a motion calling for more thorough research into the possible adverse effects of building the $125 million project. Specifically, Hernandez asserts the voluminous final environmental impact report compiled by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) fails to adequately address resident worries over exacerbating quality-of-life

No sky-high rides to Dodger games as the stadium halts its gondola project

Hidden fees and false promises: L.A. County takes aim at Grubhub

A convenient app for ordering takeout has turned into a bait-and-switch scam. That’s the allegation in a lawsuit filed this week by Los Angeles County against Grubhub, the nation’s largest food delivery app. The suit accuses Grubhub of layering on hidden fees, falsely claiming drivers receive healthcare benefits, and misleading both customers and restaurants to pad its profits. The lawsuit lands amid growing outrage over Grubhub’s business practices. Customers have complained of inflated costs and orders never delivered. Restaurants say they’re getting gouged by unexplained fees and refunds. And drivers claim Grubhub’s healthcare and fair pay promises are an “outright

Hidden fees and false promises: L.A. County takes aim at Grubhub

Outraged guest exposes hotel's $20 frozen Trader Joe's meal scam

A recent viral TikTok video has sparked outrage and raised concerns over the authenticity of some hotels’ room service offerings. The video, posted by Elle McLemore, exposes how one upscale hotel tried to pass off a $3.79 frozen Trader Joe’s meal as a $20 “Calming Cacio e Pepe Pasta with Truffle Oil” room service order. This deceitful bait-and-switch signals broader issues around truth-in-marketing and transparency from hotels. It also speaks to the loss of trust between hospitality providers and increasingly savvy consumers in the social media age. Most disturbingly, it highlights how some hotels are flat-out lying to charge exorbitant

Outraged guest exposes hotel's $20 frozen Trader Joe's meal scam

Uncovering Griffith Park's hidden gems beyond the Hollywood sign

Stretching over 4,200 acres of hills, canyons, and wilderness within Los Angeles’ urban borders, Griffith Park has always been far more than just another city park. Though it draws comparisons to iconic parks in other major cities like New York and San Francisco, Griffith Park has its unique history and character. Over time, its landscape has transformed from farmland to refugee camps during the Great Depression, providing temporary housing for struggling families. Those same hillsides later became platforms for civil rights protests and rallies, megaphones for speaking truth to power. Today, Griffith Park offers both recreation and respite from city

Uncovering Griffith Park's hidden gems beyond the Hollywood sign

Ten magnificent waterfalls are waiting to be discovered near Los Angeles

Nestled in the majestic canyons and valleys of Los Angeles County lie hidden gems—surreal waterfalls offering a magical escape from the urban jungle. As spring approaches, rains nourish these natural wonders, transforming many from a quiet trickle into roaring cascades.  The allure is undeniable, yet chasing waterfalls requires responsible planning. Trails are easy to extremely strenuous; some routes contain sheer drop-offs or require tricky rock-scrambling. Poison oak abounds. But for those willing to venture out prepared, magnificent rewards await. “There’s something so rejuvenating about finding these hidden oases and taking in the peaceful sound of falling water surrounded by nature,”

Ten magnificent waterfalls are waiting to be discovered near Los Angeles

Out of sight, out of mind? Revealing Autism's hidden suicide risk

As autism diagnoses rise to 1 in 36 children, the community is grappling with a troubling threat – escalating suicide risks that have long gone overlooked. New research reveals people with autism face substantially higher chances of dying by suicide compared to the general population. A comprehensive study from the University of Toronto analyzing decades of medical data found alarming figures. Females with ASD faced an 83% increased risk of self-harm and a staggering 98% heightened risk of suicide death. Male suicide odds rose as well to 34%, with a 47% uplift in self-harm odds. Overall, 1 in 4 young

Out of sight, out of mind? Revealing Autism's hidden suicide risk

Are high-beam headlights too bright? You’re not alone.

As you drive down rain-slicked highways or winding rural roads late at night, have you recently found yourself squinting against the glare of oncoming headlights that seem brighter than ever? You’re not alone on the road. In recent years, high-intensity LED headlights have rapidly overtaken old halogen bulbs across most vehicles. While these crisper white lights provide improved visibility for drivers, they also cause mass discomfort and frustration, according to experts and many drivers. Jennifer Stockburger, the director of operations at the renowned Consumer Reports Auto Test Center, confirmed that LED lights are “whiter in color” compared to the yellowish

Are high-beam headlights too bright? You’re not alone.

Spicy snacks and sublime sweets: Inside Trader Joe's customers' top picks

Trader Joe’s fans have decided on the most obsessively devoured foods. The envelopes have been sealed, votes cast, and cravings accounted for. Now, step this way across aisles packed fuller than your reusable tote bags to discover the savory, sweet treats and convenient fan favorites deemed irresistible in Trader Joe’s 15th Annual Customer Choice Awards. From the snack you can’t stop reaching for to the frozen meal you eagerly anticipated all day, find out which beloved products shoppers voted to the top of charts and stomachs this past year. As Trader Joe’s continues expanding its reach across America, over half

Spicy snacks and sublime sweets: Inside Trader Joe's customers' top picks

What's behind males' Roman fixation? TikTok's latest viral craze explains it all

A new and amusing trend is grabbing women’s attention on TikTok – their male partner’s obsession with the “Roman Empire”. This viral trend began after Swedish influencer Saskia Cort asked her followers to check in with their boyfriends and husbands to see how often they think about this ancient civilization. Her prompt came up again last August thanks to Gaius Flavius, a fellow history buff – sparking many videos of puzzled women realizing just how often the men in their lives daydream about Caesar’s exploits, the beauty of aqueducts, and the brutality of ancient warfare. Views have skyrocketed into the

What's behind males' Roman fixation? TikTok's latest viral craze explains it all

Instagram's game-changing move: New teen accounts tackle online safety crisis

Instagram has taken a major step towards addressing teen safety concerns with the introduction of Instagram Teen Accounts on September 17, 2024. This new feature is designed to automatically place teens in safer online environments and provide parents with greater peace of mind about their children’s Instagram experiences. Teen Accounts come with a suite of built-in protections, including private accounts by default, stricter messaging settings, and enhanced content filtering to limit exposure to potentially harmful material. The launch of Teen Accounts represents a significant shift in how the platform approaches youth safety, responding to longstanding concerns about the risks teens

Instagram's game-changing move: New teen accounts tackle online safety crisis

15 Scenic spots to discover in and around Los Angeles

Tucked away in pockets across Los Angeles, hidden portals transport visitors into fantastical realms brimming with wonder. Behind unassuming facades of strip malls and residential streets, secret dimensions overflow with marvelous imagination unencumbered by reality’s constraints. Tire of the concrete jungle? The City of Angels unfurls myriad magical escapes right in its own backyard for those daring to peek behind the curtain.  Through this looking glass, vibrant mosaic tile forests gleam like Oz’s Emerald City while an impossibly precise Egyptian temple replica looms larger than imagination. Spiritual solace emanates from lakefront Buddhist temples to palatial Hindu shrines worthy of their

15 Scenic spots to discover in and around Los Angeles

The invisible trauma: Self-harm by teens kept secret

There is a youth mental health disaster going on underneath the surface because of the alarming rise in self-harm among American teens in the past few years. As more parents deal with the heartbreaking news that their child is hurting themselves on purpose, fear, anger, and a lack of control are common emotions. According to new information, up to 20% of teens now hurt themselves in some way, like cutting, burning, pulling out their hair, or something else. This scary number shows a big rise over the last ten years, which mental health professionals say is because of the stress

The invisible trauma: Self-harm by teens kept secret

Only in Los Angeles: 7 restaurants defining the city

Los Angeles is known for having a wide range of new and interesting restaurants, from fancy ones with Michelin stars to quick food on the street. In this article, we explore ten restaurants in Los Angeles, exemplifying the city’s ascendant food scene through excellence in cuisine, service, and atmosphere. Mírate on North Vermont Avenue prepares traditional Mexican fare with local ingredients, earning praise for standouts like Yucatán-style cochinita pibil served with plantains alongside inventive specials like crab tostadas with exquisite corn. Vibrant decor complements the modern yet authentic cooking in this lively venue, championing regional Mexican cooking. Tucked away in

Only in Los Angeles: 7 restaurants defining the city

6 Hot Springs just outside of LA!

A relaxing alternative to a pricey spa day is California’s hot springs. They let you get away from everyday life and enjoy nature. People in Los Angeles are lucky to live near some of the most beautiful natural hot springs. These six natural hot springs are the perfect place to get away for a cheap getaway.  Just a short drive from LA in San Bernardino County’s Mojave Desert rests Tecopa Hot Springs, a stunning aquatic gem with grass-lined pools in a shade of aquamarine. Four million years in the making, the piping hot, mineral-rich waters and panoramic Death Valley views

6 Hot Springs just outside of LA!

Woman nabs $2,500 in Stanley cups, lands in jail

Last week, the Roseville Police Department said that on January 17th, a 23-year-old California woman was arrested for reportedly stealing 65 Stanley brand water bottles totaling almost $2,500. Stanley insulated cups and bottles have gained popularity over the past few years, and some of them are now selling online for more than 10 times their original price. Police say store staff witnessed the woman fill a shopping cart with Stanley water bottles and attempt to leave the store without paying. When staff tried to stop her, she refused and loaded the stolen merchandise into her car. Store staff reported the

Woman nabs $2,500 in Stanley cups, lands in jail

The hidden dangers behind laundry detergent pods

A new study published in Clinical Toxicology revealed a disturbing upward trend – poisonings from laundry detergent pods are increasing among older children, teenagers, and adults. Over a recent three-year period, U.S. poison control centers received over 36,000 calls related to liquid laundry detergent pod exposures, averaging one call every 44 minutes. While the majority of vulnerabilities (87%) were in children under six, nine linked deaths were in adults. This trend raises critical questions about the safety of laundry pods and why ingestion is rising in demographics old enough to know better. The increase in laundry pod poisoning in older

The hidden dangers behind laundry detergent pods

Can this tiny nuclear battery finally liberate life from the plug?

China’s recent unveiling of a miniature “nuclear battery” with a functional lifespan of up to 50 years, developed by Beijing-based startup Betavolt, has generated both optimism and ethical concerns within the scientific community. The technology aims to revolutionize power sources for electronic devices by converting energy released from radioactive decay into steady electric output. Betavolt’s initial BV100 prototype uses the nickel-63 isotope as its radioactive fuel. This nickel radionuclide, with a 100-year half-life, gradually sheds electrons as it decays. The emitted energy gets captured by thin layers of diamond semiconductors within the battery unit, generating usable electricity. The company claims

Can this tiny nuclear battery finally liberate life from the plug?

The surprising ingredient that makes you crave Mexican food

For nearly a century, the aroma of sizzling carne asada and the sweet tang of salsa has become one of Los Angeles’s distinctive signature meals. Ever since old-school spots like El Cholo Cafe first opened their doors back in 1923, Mexican restaurants have only multiplied across the city – over 5,500 places to grab tacos or margaritas county-wide today.  Their sheer numbers point to more than just good food, though. They show the fierce pride that Latino families here feel in preserving the special recipes and customs that grandparents and great-grandparents brought decades ago from Mexican hometowns they still cherish.

The surprising ingredient that makes you crave Mexican food

Where legends were made: Inside LA’s iconic entertainment venues

Los Angeles has been a major cultural center thanks to venues such as the Hollywood Bowl, The Wiltern, Greek Theatre, Los Angeles Theatre, and Hollywood Palladium. Notable performances and cultural events have occurred in its famed theaters and concert halls, leaving an indelible mark on history. Their unique architecture and rich histories have hosted unforgettable concerts, movie debuts, and star-studded events – propelling the city into an international entertainment epicenter. For almost a century, these landmarks have fuelled Los Angeles’ ascent to become the world’s entertainment capital. The breathtaking shell-shaped outdoor stage of the Hollywood Bowl became a live music

Where legends were made: Inside LA’s iconic entertainment venues

The 2024 L.A. concert schedule offers something for everyone

Los Angeles is widely acknowledged as a significant center for entertainment, especially in light of its well-known music sector.. From little venues along the Sunset Strip to big stadiums hosting notable bands, Greater LA offers a variety of concert and entertainment locations ideal for famous performers and emerging talents. This year presents another selection of must-watch shows in different music styles, such as rock, hip-hop, and classical.  The Hollywood Bowl is arguably the most famous of Los Angeles music venues. The curved, shell-shaped open-air theater located in the Hollywood Hills has welcomed a wide range of performers, including Billie Holliday

The 2024 L.A. concert schedule offers something for everyone

New study shows black teens crumbling under an "avalanche" of trauma

A new study in JAMA Psychiatry sheds light on the alarming effects online racism has on Black adolescents’ mental well-being. Researchers discovered that Black children and teenagers who encounter racial discrimination online may develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The research involved 525 African American adolescents aged 11-19. Heading the research was Dr. Ashley Denise Maxie-Moreman, a child psychologist from Children’s National Hospital in Washington D.C. Dr. Maxie-Moreman acknowledged cyberbullying troubles all children but emphasized for African American minors, web-based racial harassment poses heightened hazards. The participants reported several PTSD symptoms in response to online racism, including feeling on

New study shows black teens crumbling under an "avalanche" of trauma

Will you get a $550 check? Michigan tax rebate payments start arriving soon

Beginning February 13, over 700,000 low and middle-income Michigan families will start receiving tax rebate checks averaging $550 under an expanded state tax credit program. The extra cash comes from $1 billion in tax cuts signed into law last year by Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It represents welcome relief for households facing rising costs of living statewide. The payments originate from enhancements to Michigan’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which benefits lower wage earners. The state matched the credit to 30% of the federal EITC amount from just 6%. The change created billions in tax savings that officials now return directly

Will you get a $550 check? Michigan tax rebate payments start arriving soon

Blazed buffalo wings: The new high flying Super Bowl snack

Just in time for the biggest sports event of the year, a new THC-infused buffalo wing sauce is hitting the shelves, promising to spice up Super Bowl parties across Chicago and “revolutionize” the cannabis industry. Cresco Labs, one of Illinois’ most prominent cannabis companies, has partnered with local restaurant Fifty/50 in Wicker Park to produce “Good News THC Buffalo Sauce” – a 100mg THC, 10oz jar of buffalo wing sauce meant to coat 20-24 wings. With 3-5mg of THC per wing, the sauce provides a buzz and the traditional spicy kick of buffalo flavor. The new product launch taps into

Blazed buffalo wings: The new high flying Super Bowl snack

As California's primary nears, here are key dates and must-knows

Every other year, residents of California participate in the statewide primary election. On March 5, 2024, Californians can vote in presidential and local elections, as well as other statewide issues. With mail-in ballots going out next month to all 22 million registered voters, the election also brings some new voting rules and key deadlines that will test the state’s dedication to encouraging participation. To register in California, you must: You can easily register online through the Secretary of State’s website. You can also sign up in person at county offices, the DMV, post offices, or public libraries. The key dates

As California's primary nears, here are key dates and must-knows

Leaked memo reveals United Airlines no tolerance policy

A leaked internal United Airlines memo reveals the airline plans to crack down on flight attendants using personal electronic devices while on duty, threatening disciplinary action “up to and including termination.” The harsh policy aims to improve inflight safety and customer service quality but seems overly strict given the ubiquity of smartphones in modern life. The memo, shared anonymously by flight attendants, mandates no personal device usage “while customers are on board the aircraft, with the exception of crew rest” (Live and Let’s Fly). United argues attendants cannot “provide visible and attentive service to customers” if distracted by phones and

Leaked memo reveals United Airlines no tolerance policy

How this former burglar cased neighborhood will disturb you

Jennifer Gomez spent nearly ten years in a Florida prison for repeatedly targeting homes in burglary sprees. Now reformed, she candidly shares her past methods on TikTok, hoping to help homeowners better secure their properties. “I’m just telling you guys what my life was like because maybe it’ll help somebody,” Gomez explained in a video that has drawn almost 2 million views. Gomez would start by checking the weather, preferring rainy days that kept people indoors. “The nastier it was, the better off I was,” she admitted. Sunny days led her to more isolated houses with fewer eyewitnesses. She knew

How this former burglar cased neighborhood will disturb you

Instagram-famous groom snubs plea deal before lavish wedding

Jacob LaGrone’s extravagant 5-day wedding in Paris was dubbed “the wedding of the century” on TikTok. However, unbeknownst to many, the groom faced serious accusations behind the scenes of the wedding that might have led to his life being sentenced to prison. LaGrone, 29, was indicted on three counts of aggravated assault against a police officer- a first-degree felony – for the March 14 encounter. According to the indictment, LaGrone “did intentionally or knowingly threaten” the officers “with imminent bodily injury” by using a deadly weapon – a firearm. If convicted, he could be sentenced to up to life in

Instagram-famous groom snubs plea deal before lavish wedding

These Associate majors hit $100K

New research reveals associate degree holders in specific lucrative fields like physical science technologies or radiation therapy out-earn the average bachelor’s graduate just a few years after finishing cheaper, shorter two-year programs. Analysis by former Department of Education expert Michael Itzkowitz’s HEA Group spotlights 17 specific majors where mid-career pay surpasses typical four-year degree incomes, defying stereotypes about vocational credentials’ diminished value. Findings emphasize that college major factors as heavily as institutional prestige for many careers, informing cost-benefit calculations amid spiraling university tuition rates. “With associate degrees, oftentimes the major matters more than the institution itself,” Itzkowitz explained of the

These Associate majors hit $100K

How three Zebras escaped from a private farm

In August 2021, three zebras that got away thrilled the whole country. But when their difficult past came to light, it showed that the exotic animal trade had serious problems with regulation. People in rural Maryland were confused when the zebras showed up out of the blue. Soon, though, the amazement turned to fear when two zebras were discovered dead in strange ways. The deaths set off a cascade of turmoil around owner Jerry Lee Holly, 78, whose exotic animal businesses have operated for decades despite chronic legal violations. Prince George’s County officials charged Holly with animal cruelty misdemeanors for

How three Zebras escaped from a private farm

Why we're going numb to the world's pain

In a world that is becoming more and more connected, people are becoming more overwhelmed by disasters to the point that they shut down emotions to cope. Researchers see this as a sign of “compassion fatigue,” and with that comes serious consequences. Experts are now scrambling to counter this emotional numbness and reinvigorate human empathy. “When someone has compassion fatigue, they feel like there’s a lot happening and they don’t know where to start and what to do, so sometimes they will turn off their emotions,” said Gabriela Murza, assistant professor at Utah State University who educates on trauma impacts

Why we're going numb to the world's pain

Catfishing ex-cop slaughters three

The Virginia law enforcement department that recently recruited Austin Lee Edwards—the “catfishing cop” responsible for the November murders of three members of a Riverside, California family—is now facing a new lawsuit that claims carelessness on their part. Victims’ families have filed a lawsuit in Central California’s U.S. District Court, accusing Edwards’ estate and the Virginia sheriff’s office of their role in the murders of the Winek family. In addition to allegations of careless recruiting, oversight, and retention, the case contends that further wrongdoings transpired, including violations of Fourth Amendment rights. On November 25, the unfortunate incidents occurred when Edwards went

Catfishing ex-cop slaughters three

Does social media harm mental health?

A controversial new study from Oxford University experts says that more people using the internet has not really changed global mental health trends. The large study of over two million people from 168 countries, which was published in Nature Human Behaviour, tried to settle different ideas about how technology affects people’s minds. Even though they don’t see a clear threat, experts agree that they don’t have enough data to measure the effects in the real world. “There is no smoking gun to confirm that digital technologies are dangerously messing with the human psyche on a grand scale,” said co-author Andrew

Does social media harm mental health?

Eating Disorders Striking Men as Often as Women

A concerning new body of research shows that eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors in men have reached epidemic proportions, now impacting millions of American males across backgrounds. Analyzing federal health surveys over two decades, a 2022 study in the American Journal of Men’s Health estimates that 10 million boys and men nationwide will experience an eating disorder at some point – equal to the female incidence rate. That disturbing parity spotlights insufficient awareness and resources dedicated towards male-specific risks, diagnoses, and treatment, given outdated cultural biases positioning eating disorders as afflicting mainly young, thin white women. “The assumption among

Eating Disorders Striking Men as Often as Women

Experts Link Social Media to Uptick in Teen Eating Disorders

New research shows that TikTok’s algorithms promote unhealthy eating and unrealistic body image among vulnerable teens. Based on their analysis of popular nutrition and weight videos, researchers from the University of Vermont claim that the “For You” feed, which never ends, contributes to harmful diet culture by subjecting young users to moralized, oversimplified messages from unqualified influencers. Led by senior author Dr. Lizzy Pope, director of UVM’s Didactic Program in Dietetics, the team raised alarms over TikTok overriding legitimate experts to promote thinness and restrictive dieting as the sole path to health. Researchers warn TikTok may fuel disordered eating and

Experts Link Social Media to Uptick in Teen Eating Disorders

First In-N-Out to close permanently

For the first time in its 75-year history, the iconic West Coast burger chain In-N-Out announced it is permanently closing one of its restaurants – the lone Oakland, California location – on March 24 due to rampant crime plaguing the area. In a statement, In-N-Out Chief Operating Officer Denny Warnick cited the alarming frequency of “car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies” victimizing customers and employees as leaving them “no alternative” but to shutter entirely. He confirmed that despite being a busy and profitable venue, the company refuses to “ask [customers or staff] to visit or work in an

First In-N-Out to close permanently

 L.A.: Where Sushi Dreams Are Made

It only took 50 years for sushi to go from being a strange, exotic dish to a regular part of American cuisine. The delicious Japanese cuisine is thought to have first arrived in America in the late 1960s from Kawafuku Restaurant in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. Noritoshi Kanai, a Japanese immigrant, opened Kawafuku to serve local Japanese businesses. However, the restaurant quickly became popular with Americans. Now staples in sushi, Kanai fearlessly imported marine urchin from Santa Barbara and fatty tuna belly from fishermen on the East Coast who had tossed the cutaway. Kawafuku ushered in the first wave of

 L.A.: Where Sushi Dreams Are Made

When does mental health slang go too far? The line is blurry

Thanks to Gen Z, conversations about mental health are finally coming out of the shadows through a new vocabulary permeating pop culture. Quirky terms like “stressy and depressed” and “menty b” are destigmatizing struggles previous generations brushed under the rug. But experts now debate if lighthearted lingo risks trivializing real illness or enabling avoidance of proper care. Trendy phrases help alleviate stigma, according to therapist Michael Dzwil. “Saying ‘I had a menty b’ takes control of the narrative,” he said of the slang meaning mental breakdown. Social media spaces allow young people to bond over shared troubles with peers facing similar

When does mental health slang go too far? The line is blurry

Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Music And Not Everyone’s A Fan

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing songwriting, causing huge upheaval in the music industry. Demonstrations of new software demonstrate how technology can generate creative melodies, imitate distinctive vocal styles, and produce entire instrumental songs with little assistance from humans. Tech developers praise the democratizing power behind these tools to open music creation to more people. “We always knew technology would disrupt our business,” said an April statement from Universal Music Group (UMG), the label titan representing mega-stars like Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, and Kendrick Lamar. “But AI threatens to fracture the fragile bonds between artists and fans.” The company has led lobbying

Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Music And Not Everyone’s A Fan

Looking Beyond the Hype: What the Evidence Really Says About Kale

Kale is the vegetable that divides people the most, going from being a star favorite to an over-the-top health risk. Health-conscious fans rave about the vegetable’s abundant nutrients – from vitamin A for immunity to lutein for eye health. They also point to compounds called glucosinolates, which show promise in cancer prevention. Yet critics argue that anti-nutrient properties and thyroid risks outweigh potential benefits for many people. So beyond trends, what does unbiased science conclude on balance about routinely eating these greens? Dr. Amy Litchman is the lead expert on the effects of nutrition at Stanford. She doesn’t believe either

Looking Beyond the Hype: What the Evidence Really Says About Kale

How an Affordable Beachside Neighborhood Transformed into Billionaire's Row

For decades, Paradise Cove embodied the spirit of a modest middle-class mobile home community. With scenic views attracting families more interested in beach living than gated prestige, neighbors left their doors unlocked, and kids wandered freely to play. There was a real sense of community, where people looked out for each other and appreciated the simple pleasures of beachside living. However, over time, as word spread of this hidden gem, outsiders took interest, and the once under-the-radar park transformed from an affordable offbeat neighborhood to a celebrity battleground saturated with seven-figure wheeled mansions and non-stop drama among rich and famous

How an Affordable Beachside Neighborhood Transformed into Billionaire's Row

Do you make this mistake when it comes to nutrition?

Trail runners face big challenges figuring out proper food intake on rough paths. The steep up-and-down hills burn way more calories than running on flat roads. According to new statistics, more than 40% of people are unable to fuel their bodies adequately, resulting in both visible and invisible injuries. The study, surveying nearly 2,000 trail runners, reveals over 4 in 10 display symptoms of inadequate calorie consumption for required effort. Such nutritional deficits yield measurable harm. “Low energy availability occurs when the body doesn’t get enough calories to power vital processes after strenuous exercise,” explains lead researcher and elite trail

Do you make this mistake when it comes to nutrition?

From Couple Goals To Separate Lives: Why Tinseltown Love Stories Are Ending

The sound of wedding bells has been replaced by the loud noise of divorce papers being filed in the world of celebrities. This year witnessed the conclusion of several enduring Hollywood couples, surprising fans and prompting speculation about the existence of true love in the entertainment industry. Hugh Jackman and Deborra-lee Furness stunned the world in September by announcing their separation after 27 years of marriage. The couple had been viewed as rock solid and were frequently held up as role models, making their split all the more unexpected. As reported, the breakup appeared amicable, with no mention of cheating

From Couple Goals To Separate Lives: Why Tinseltown Love Stories Are Ending

When Social Feeds Bring More Harm Than Good

Do those scenic vacation photos filling your feed spark joy or leave you depleted? Mounting clinical research reveals social media’s double-edged impact on mental health. Behind the veil of likes and filters lies a complex psychological chain reaction that both connects and isolates users. As you mindlessly scroll through the highlight reels of acquaintances living their best lives, a slither of envy turns to inadequacy before cascading into full-blown anxiety. Yet moments later a new notification alerts you to an old friend reaching out across the distance thanks to the very same platforms facilitating FOMO fueling your funk. The takeaway?

When Social Feeds Bring More Harm Than Good

Peeing in the shower: harmless habit or hidden health hazard?

Does urine wash safely down the drain, or could peeing in the shower come back to bite you? New research reveals doing your business while bathing exposes surprising health risks between the tiles. As you stand there enjoying the steamy warmth enveloping your body, that familiar tingling urge suddenly strikes. You reason just a little pee can’t hurt anything amid the soothing hot water cascading over your feet. Yet growing scientific evidence demonstrates even this seemingly harmless shower move harbors hidden hazards that could seriously dampen your day if you let down your guard while soaping up. Repeated exposure to

Peeing in the shower: harmless habit or hidden health hazard?
